In our neck of the woods, an ice storm is relatively uncommon, so treating the roads for ice is something that doesn’t happen frequently; and when it is done, it is often done too late. This can be both good an bad. It makes for impassible roads, but it also presents the opportunity to have some fun with your toddler.
The road in the image to the right is coated in ice with a dusting of sleet for traction. Overnight, the sleet bonded with the ice making it much more difficult to keep one’s foothold. |
Coming in from outside, hot apple cider by the fireplace takes the edge off the cold. |
Speaking of hot apple cider, here’s a simple recipe the whole family can enjoy (non-alcoholic):
- Pour a bottle of apple juice in a pot (we prefer Motts, even though they don’t pay us ;-)).
- Add a stick of cinnamon and 2-3 whole, dried cloves.
- Heat on low until steaming. The longer you let it steep, the stronger it gets.
Of course, if you have any left over, you can always reheat a cup later. If you don’t take out the cinnamon and cloves, it can get very spicy indeed (but you may like that, too.)