21st Century Sacred Polyphony
Believe it or not, I write a bit of music on the side. Mostly, I write sacred music that is more in the style of centuries gone by. The words are all in Latin, the lyrics taken from the Mass or the Office, according to the books of 1962. Most of my compositions are polyphonic. Technically, I suppose, you could say they are 21st century sacred polyphony; though, I don’t know if there is enough contemporary music like it to define a genre.
I have decided to release my sacred music compositions here under the Creative Commons license, specifically CC-BY-NC-ND, which means you are free to copy, print, and sing any of the music here as many times as you want with only two restrictions: the music may not be modified, and, if you want to use the music commercially, you will need a commercial license. Contact me if you have a commercial interest (like a CD recording).
I’d love to hear from you if your choir is singing any of this music. Drop a note in the comments section and tell me about your choir.
I will write a separate blog post for each composition to describe it in greater detail (eventually). These will include audio files. A link to each post will automatically appear below when it is published.
- Tota Pulchra Es Maria
- Quo Abiit Dilectus Tuus
- Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- Flos Carmeli
- Anima Christi
- Puer Natus Est: Christmas Mass of the Day Introit
- Rorate Caeli – Three Equal Voices
- Assumpta Est Maria
- St. Luke’s Passion
- Surge Domine
- Ave Regina Caelorum – SSA
- In Principio Erat Verbum
- Veni Emmanuel
- He is Born the Divine Infant
- Ego Sum Panis Vivus
- Ave Sanguis Christi
- Pie Jesu
- Caelitum Joseph – Three Settings
- Gloria – In Die Resurrectionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi
- Diviserunt Sibi
- Te Saeculorum Principem
- Jubilate Deo – SA
- Cantate Domino: Introit for 4th Sunday After Easter
- Improperium – SA
- Lucis Creator Optime – SATB
- O Vos Omnes
- Puer Natus in Bethlehem, Harmonized
- Jerusalem Gaude
- Veni Redemptor Gentium
- Tollite Portas – Offertory for the Vigil of Christmas
- Exult All Ye Nations
- Four Advent Offertories
- Jesu Dulcis Memoria
- Kyrie Eleison in Honor of the Theotokos
- O Crux Ave Spes Unica
- Ubi Caritas for Three Voices
- Who is She who Rises Like the Coming of Dawn
- O Magnum Mysterium
- Iterum Autem Videbo Vos for SATB
- Septem Verba Christi in Cruce
- Oculus Non Vidit
- Vox in Rama for SATB
- Recording of Ave Verum Corpus at the Basilica of St. John
- Ave Verum Corpus – Drake
- Zelus Domus Tuae
- Super Flumina Babylonis
- Stabat Mater Dolorosa – Drake
- Missa in Epiphania Domini – Drake
- Drake’s Miserere Mei
- Ave Maris Stella for SATB
- O Lux Beatissima for Seven Voices
- Sub Tuum Praesidium for Six Voices
- Simple Requiem Mass Setting
- Foderunt Manus Meas of Psalm 21
- Puer Natus in Bethlehem
- Vox Clara Ecce Intonat – Drake
- Drake’s De Profundis
- Drake’s Salve Regina
- Drake’s Angelus: A Six Part Setting
- Drake’s Ave Maria
- Drake’s Tota Pulchra Es Maria
- Drake’s Christus Factus Est
- Missa Spiritus Sancti
If you just want to access the scores, these are available for download below.
I just listened to and downloaded your Ave Maria composition. So very lovely, prayerful, and peaceful. I would love to have my schola learn it, perhaps after the Christmas season. Listening to the audio, I am sure will greatly help in this regard, since none of us in the schola plays any instrument. Thank you for posting it!
You’re welcome, and thank you for your kind words.
My choir will sing Tota Pulchra Es (TTB) this Thursday, for the Assumption of Our Lady. Thank you for composing it.
I am honored. Thank you for letting me know!
Hola, Drake. Acabo de descubrirte navegando en la red, y ya amo tu música. Ha sido un gran golpe de suerte saber de tu arte musical. Muchas gracias por compartir tu talento.
Saludos desde México.